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Personality Disorder
“Shayan is a shy boy”, “Anandi is very outgoing and jolly”, “Mr Gupta is suspicious of everyone”, “Mrs Banerjee gets upset over very...
The Maps We Make
Our human psyche is a complex set of processes and factors. We are constantly dealing with emotions in our everyday life. Communications...
The Rainmaker and the Drought in Our Life
Abstract As we look forward to new beginnings in 2021, the narrative of the Rainmaker is one that we should all be thinking about. Carl...
Most of our Problems are Imaginary
Introduction “Since most problems are created by our imagination and are thus imaginary, all we need are imaginary solutions.” -Richard...
All Beliefs are wrong, choose what works for you
“we learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. Look back...
Grief- As a Journey to New Self
Grief and it's Faces There are several ways to define loss. Loss is a state of being without something. When an incident occurs that is...
Our Shadow Self
Introduction Shadow is which resides in the unconscious mind and humans are predominantly unaware of their shadows. They are the...
Introduction to Mental Disorders and Clinical Psychology
Mental Disorders Mental Disorders also known as mental illness are behavioral or mental patterns that cause significant distress or...
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